Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Make a Connection

When reading 'When Stella Was Very, Very Small', what did it remind you of? Share your ideas on the blog or with your family. For an additional activity, write a story about when you were very, very small. When you have finished, bring it to class to read to your friends.

We read a new a new book this week...what will it be???


  1. My name is Isabel Peña Ravello. I live in Chile. I study General Basic Pedagogy ( I study to teach Elementary School Learners) at Universidad Catolica del Maule.This University is situated in Talca City in the Seventh Region in Chile.
    I liked your blog very much because it is creative and interesting for the students. Besides, it links family with the children learnings and it is a huge referent for the teachers and future teachers, too.
    Particularly, I was very impressed with the post of February, 16th which gives too much importance to "children reading".

  2. My name is Isabel Peña Ravello. I live in Chile. I study General Basic Pedagogy ( I study to teach Elementary School Learners) at Universidad Catolica del Maule.This University is situated in Talca City in the Seventh Region in Chile.
    I liked your blog very much because it is creative and interesting for the students. Besides, it links family with the children learnings and it is a huge referent for the teachers and future teachers, too.
    Particularly, I was very impressed with the post of February, 16th which gives too much importance to "children reading".


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